She’s learned a lot so far

About a year ago, we started teaching Gemma numbers and colours, simple things and things she would recognise as part of everyday settings. We see colours and numbers everywhere so a good place to start.

She can now point out numbers you ask her up to I reckon about 25. She knows all her colours too. She has now learned shapes and also the days of the week and the alphabet. We have coloured posters in the living room and in her play room, we regularly test her on her numbers etc. Every day we will say “what day is it?” And usually she will go and point to the correct day. Wow, amazing progress for this little person in such short space of time.

We also work on “everyday instructions” where we will get Gemma to put something in the bin, pick up sonetsome off the floor, get a bowl etc. All these things have helped her to understand more of what is being said and really helped her grow. At first we would show her what we were doing when we said the phrase such as “pick it up”, then eventually through repetitiveness she is able to get what we mean. Patience definitely pays off in this game.


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